

Please confirm if they are still scheduled or are being postponed. Thank you! 

  1. If you don’t know somewhere to play near you or where you are visiting, a great place to search is the website is free to join and search. Use different spellings of mahjong (mah jong, mahjongg, mah jongg) when searching.
  2. Other members have found games by searching the Nextdoor app. Also, use different spellings.
  3. When searching on Google, great searches include separate searches using Mahjong, Mahjongg, Mah Jongg and Mah-Jongg and the following terms: 
  • instructors
  • classes
  • drop in
  • game
  • newcomers or newcomers club
  • the area you are looking for city, county, library, Temple, Church, community center
  • Institute for Learning in Retirement

4. Many libraries, continuing education classes, temples, churches, senior centers

Where To Play Mahjong

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Mah Jongg players are welcome during Canasta sessions.
Date and Time
Tuesday, May 14, 2024, 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

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Arlington Common

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Mah Jongg games are held on Fridays.
Fridays 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

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Arlington Common

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An article on local Mah Jongg activities.

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Bennington Banner Article

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Weekly Mah Jongg sessions.
Wednesdays 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

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Ohavi Zedek Synagogue

Contact |
Lynda Siegel at lyndasiegel2(at)

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Mah Jongg information is available through Essex Seniors.

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Essex Junction Seniors

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Mah Jongg workshop and potential weekly game night.
Date and Time
Saturday, April 23, from 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

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Fairfax Community Center Registration

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Manchester Community Library,  MANCHESTER CENTER, VT -  offers free beginner Mah Jongg lessons on various dates throughout the summer and fall.  Space is limited to 8. Participants must commit to all classes. Student are required to purchase the  National Mah Jongg League Rules Card at

Manchester Community Library  138 Cemetery Ave, Manchester Center, VT (802) 362-2607; Website: 

  • Open play Wednesdays 12:30-3:30pm 
  • Mah Jongg Tournament held in the Fall 

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Manchester Community Library

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Mah Jongg sessions at the Deborah Rawson Memorial Library.
Date and Time
2nd and 4th Wednesdays from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

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Deborah Rawson Memorial Library

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Mah Jongg group meets every Monday.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

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Milton Public Library

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Mah Jongg gatherings.

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Beth Jacob VT

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Mah Jongg sessions at the Thompson Senior Center.

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Thompson Senior Center

Contact |
Gail Stickney at or call 457-2581

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We are starting to compile an online resource to find Canasta games. Please email us city, state and contact information for games. Please do not include private home addresses. Email is preferred.  


1.If you don’t know somewhere to play near you or where you are visiting, a great place to search is the website is free to join and search.2.Other members have found games by searching the Nextdoor app. Also, use different spellings.
3.When searching on Google, great searches includeseparate searches using Canasta and the following terms: 

  • instructors
  • classes
  • drop in
  • game
  • newcomers or newcomers club
  • the area you are looking for city, county, library, Temple, Church, community center
  • Institute for Learning in Retirement

4.Many libraries, continuing education classes, temples, churches, senior centers and community centers offer classes or are great resources to find a game.

5.The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute is an amazing foundation and has institutes across the country. They offer many different courses, which at times include Canasta. It’s another great idea to search.The information below is accurate when posted. Confirm before attending.  Please email us if there are any incorrect listings and/or for us to add additional places to play! If you have any information to share, please email us at ModernMahjong(at)  to add to our Directory. 

Where To Play Canasta

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Looking for Modern American Canasta players. This group will play the Modern American Canasta version, which includes Special Hands. The game will be held at The Arlington Common, 3938 Route 7A, Arlington, VT.

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Contact Arlington Commons
Website: Arlington Common

Confirm before attending

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Modern American Canasta Open Play at the Manchester Community Library, 138 Cemetery Ave, Manchester Center, VT. Games are held on Mondays from 12:00-3:00 p.m., with lessons available.

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Website: Manchester Community Library
Call: 802-362-2607

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